
Do germs really live on my toothbrush?

January 3rd, 2013

The dreaded cold and flu season is here again! After recovering from your cold, one of the most important steps you can take to avoid becoming reinfected is replacing your toothbrush!

Germs can linger on the bristles, and you risk prolonging your sickness by continuing to use the same toothbrush. Be smart - keep a spare, just in case! To protect your toothbrush from bacteria all year long, consider the following tips:

• Wash your hands before and after brushing
• Allow the brush to air dry after each use, harmful bacteria dies after being exposed to oxygen
• Store the toothbrush in an upright position to allow water to drain and dry faster
• Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Worn bristles are less effective in properly cleaning your teeth, and can actually be damaging to teeth if used too long!

Hope this tip helps! Feel free to give us a call or ask us on Facebook if you have any questions!

Differences between at-home and in-office tooth whitening procedures

December 10th, 2012

Most people wish they had a brighter, whiter, and more appealing smile. And while teeth whitening treatments and teeth whitening products have certainly made getting a whiter smile much more attainable than in years past, many patients have asked us if there’s any difference between at-home and a professional in-office tooth whitening procedure at our office.

The answer? It depends, though professional teeth whitening solutions are more effective than using the at-home tooth whitening products you may have at your disposal. Even the most common of at-home methods out there—chewing gum, toothpastes, mints, tray systems and whitening strip systems—have a limited whitening ability. Toothpastes that claim to whiten will be more effective than chewing gums, but they won’t be nearly as effective as you’d imagine. While tray systems and whitening strips are the most effective at-home teeth whitening treatments out on the market, they are still not nearly as effective as getting your pearly whites even whiter at our office.

An in-office tooth whitening solution is more effective than at-home whitening due to the fact that the teeth whitening treatment we use in our office is professional grade and requires a dentist and a trained dental technician to be administered. We also use stronger bleaching agents that have been known to enhance a smile by several shades, and also make for dazzling smiles and happy patients.

If you would like more information about teeth whitening options, please give us a call to learn about treatments we offer, and which would be best for you. We look forward to meeting with you.